Hearts of iron 4 road to 56
Hearts of iron 4 road to 56

hearts of iron 4 road to 56

  • Going to war (forces the United States or the United Kingdom to fight Germany).
  • Either land for investment or nurture our land.
  • The first four exclude the Aisin contract.
  • If you go the other way, you get the same bonus as the gold from Nicaragua you also have the option of getting 1 civ et mill card. Optional: the Aisin Treaty is a bit of a waste of time, since Belize is the centerpiece, and it is up to you to decide whether or not you want to conquer Mexico.
  • Gold mining in Nicaragua and the Berlin Mission.
  • Military targets in Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica.
  • Strengthening the society in difficulty.
  • You also get -5% of consumer goods and 15% of trade completion when you reach the gold mine in Nicaragua. If you go down the path of fascism, you get military targets in Mexico and in all Central American countries except Panama. Orientation tree – Fascist Central America

    hearts of iron 4 road to 56

    With only one province to start with, little industry and no capital, it is certainly a pain point, but Guatemala can be used to help its allies. Guatemala has nothing to offer on the road to 56. If you are one of those who want to explore Guatemala, this guide is for you. This guide describes in detail how to play the role of Guatemala in Hearts of Iron IV mod of Road to 56 (R56).

    Hearts of iron 4 road to 56