skyrim 2k with perfect Whiterun If you need an all in one without looking for others then JK is the best right now if you want to look around for a some other that will take some time. Holds: The City Overhaul The Scottish Bannered Mare Real Cities – Solitude. Even with the patch, I never could get her to work right. Holds is a city overhaul project which focuses on what I think are the weaknesses of Skyrim compared to the older Elder Scrolls titles.

I can't really suggest you any minor hold overhauls.

Category:Skyrim: JK's Skyrim Skyrim: Reputation Solitude Interior Facelift Solstheim Landscape Overhaul Static Mesh Improvement Mod. Holds The City Overhaul I Imperious - Races of Skyrim J JK's Dawnstar JK's Dragonbridge JK's Falkreath JK's Ivarstead JK's Markarth JK's Morthal JK's Riften JK's Riverwood. Holds is a compatibility nightmare since it completely changes the cities to the point where they're practically unrecognizable. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. So, so damn tempted to give up ET&C as well as JK's Major Cities and a few other misc. Holds The City Overhaul (Complete version) Immersive Settlements InnCredible Jk's Skyrim Nernies City and Village Expansion Northern Bathhouses Rigmor of Bruma (only slightly incompatible) Run for your lives (version 2.1 or above) Skyrim Better Roads (only slightly incompatible) Skyrim Radioactive Map of Skyrim. which city overhaul mod do you guys like the best? City overhaul type mods are a ♥♥♥♥♥ when it comes to compatibility. I know theres pleanty of mods out there that make towns and cities bigger like jk's skyrim, holds, ect. Divine villages is even worse, and doesnt play nice with Moon & Star. The modder was reportedly working on this since 2012 so that explains a lot. It is also included in the mod JK's Skyrim. A lore-friendly and script-free overhaul of the city of Winterhold. It's been 10 days since it was "finished", so just hoping for an update!Any news on the patch for JK Skyrim lite and Dawn of Skyrim … We've got Dawn of Skyrim, both Original and Director's Cut.

The Jarls are largely independent, but swear fealty to Skyrim's High King, who in turn swears fealty to the Emperor upon joining the Septim empire in the late Second Era. You could download each city individually for JK’s Skyrim- Windhelm is right here, and it appears to have links to the other individual cities. Legacy of the Dragonborn Skycity – Markarth Rising of 427 - Holds The City Overhaul - posted in File topics: In response to post #43627775.