He makes the tag to Veda and slams them onto Grim. Killjoy goes back in the ring and hits a dropkick on a downed Grim. He dominates Killjoy for the moment, but Killjoy is able to get all 4 of his opponents on the outside and hit a dive on them. Grim and Killjoy have quite an exchange which ends with Killjoy trying a monkey flip, but Grim lands on his feet. Veda makes the tag to Rob Killjoy, who takes out both members of The Runway, but they are able to roll to their corner and make the tag to Mr. Veda hits a clothesline off the second rope and goes for the pin, but Tyler Klein makes the save. Lawless is able to break free from Veda and makes the tag to Calvin Couture. PB dominates Lawless and then tags in Veda who he slams onto Lawless. Lawless hits Erica from behind and celebrates, but Erica makes the tag to PB behind his back and Lawless finally realizes it when he backs into PB. She steps over the top rope, after a couple attempts, and attacks Lawless with some power moves. PB Smooth starts to head into the ring, but Erica Leigh says that they are the big man. David Lawless starts the match and asks for the big man. The official for this first match is the always entertaining Nick Shin. Grim, David Lawless & The Runway (Tyler Klein and Calvin Couture) vs Erica Leigh, Veda Scott, P.B. Meg Fair introduces Jerry Rigget to come to the ring and sing “Night Moves”, slightly off tune, until he gets interrupted by Commander Sterling and their team. Our announcers for this episode are Effy and Rich Bocchini. Grim, as he is the hired hit man and will not laugh with them.

David Lawless Esq takes the mic and says that Sterling has put together the greatest fivesome of all time and they all give an evil laugh, except Mr.

Sterling grabs the mic and insults Meg, forcing them to leave. Meg Fair is backstage with Commander Sterling’s group, Mr.
Enjoy Wrestling, Erica Leigh, Veda Scott, willow nightingale